Why you should get to know your local producers

Why you should get to know your local producers
In recent years, awareness among Swedes about locally produced products has increased. The demand from restaurant guests for locally sourced spices, vegetables, and local poultry and meat suppliers has surged. People are willing to pay a little more for local ingredients in their meals. Read about more restauranttrends here.
Get to know your suppliers
Choosing locally sourced products does not necessarily mean it will be more expensive. It often results in lower costs if you negotiate with your wholesalers regularly. Compared to importing ingredients, choosing seasonal products can be more economical. However, it is not only cheaper, but also better for the environment, has a higher nutritional content, and often richer flavors.
Market together with a supplier
It may feel daunting to know where to start. One tip could be to build a relationship with a supplier over time. Another tip is to promote each other on your menus or host an event together.
Growing your own – start with one ingredient
Some restaurants and bars have chosen to grow their own ingredients, such as vegetables and herbs. More and more restaurants in urban areas have become self-sufficient through rooftop gardens or community plots. Growing your own ingredients for certain parts of the menu not only allows you to lower ingredient costs but also means you run a sustainable restaurant without pesticides on your vegetables. The recommendation is to start with one ingredient that you can use in several dishes. This way, you can reduce purchases and food waste. Additionally, consider growing an ingredient that has a similar flavor profile to one that is typically imported. This can save a lot of time and money. According to a report from the Swedish Rural Network, Landsbygdsnätverket, interest in plant-based food is continuously growing.

Here are some tips to get started:
- Local suppliers: Build supplier contacts with local merchants. Establish trust and avoid discussing prices right away.
- Marketing: Promote yourself together with your suppliers on your menus and talk about each other in various contexts to build trust.
- Growing your own – start with one ingredient: If there’s an imported flavor you can replace with a homegrown herb, grow it and use it in several dishes.
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