Wine Tap
Fast and easy service with wine taps
This automatic wine tap pours, direct and precise, from the Bag in Box. Your customer will always receive the correct quantity, chilled if necessary. So, no more opening bottles. You make service easier by fast, precise portioning and reducing wastage. The pump control module is integrated with Trivec’s POS system, allowing for real-time comparison of drinks served and drinks paid for, and easier control of your stock.

Main advantages of a wine system
Faster service – no need to handle bottles
No oxidation risk
The wine does not age in a keg – making the first and last glass equally perfect
Elimination of spill over and wastage, along with improved profit margins with precise portioning
Real-time comparison of drinks served and paid for
Improved control of beverage inventory
Custom reports and simplified management with Trivec’s POS system

How does the wine tap work?
The wine taps allow for up to eight simultaneous pours of three different quantities each. The dispensing software ensures precise portions and is integrated with the POS system, allowing for real-time comparison of drinks served and drinks paid for. The data and the reports can be customised to your requirements.
Contact us
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