Pom Friterie

Keeping track of margins is easy in Trivec POS
Together with his partner Jorit Gras, Marvin Romein opened Pom Friterie, a premium neighborhood restaurant and bar in Stockholm a while ago. Choosing Trivec felt easy and obvious.
– Table handling with open tabs and daily reports from the Trivec POS really helps me in structuring orders and taking action, Marvin Romein says.
Marvin Romein has been in the Scandinavian bar and restaurant industry for 10 years. With a broad experience from the most well-known bars in Stockholm, he decided to run his own restaurant Pom Friterie at Lästmakargatan, together with Jorit Gras. A new and modern way of making french fries from a unique dutch potato is in focus. A warm and minimalistic bar offering drinks, DJ’s, lunch, and dinner with a focus on french fries is the concept.
– Our french fries is something special, they are made from a potato we buy from the Netherlands. Combined with our bites and other side dishes, this is something you need to try, Marvin says.
Why Pom Friterie choose Trivec
Marvin says his staff were familiar with Trivec and had worked with the system before. They told him how easy it was to work with the system and how easy it was to understand how to use it for new staff. Marvin had also worked with Trivec before and liked how approachable the system is.
– Trivec has an eye for details, it is reflected in the POS system, few clicks, a clear view and thought-through functions, Marvin says.
Table service and daily reports
To Marvin Trivec has made table ordering and handling very easy and structured with what Trivec calls open tabs. He says he never needs to manually remember anything, and it is easy to place an order and add additional courses or drinks to an open table. He says he also like the reporting function, every day he gets a daily report from Trivec showing average spend, covers, sales. It is easy to keep track of margins using the back-office functions which compares cost prices and sales prices.
– Overall, I have a very good impression of Trivec, Marvin says.
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