Bar Central i Folkoperan

“Job candidates ask if we have Trivec, because they want to work with Trivec’s user-friendly system”
Kim Choukri, who owns Bar Central at Folkoperan in Söder together with Boban Rudinski, chose Trivec’s POS system because it is easy to use, requires few clicks, and is simple for new staff to learn. Those applying for a job at Bar Central already ask in the interview if they use Trivec, as they are eager to work with the system. “Job applicants ask if we have Trivec; they think the POS is so easy to use,” says Kim Choukri.
For Bar Central, which offers Central European cuisine, Trivec’s user-friendly POS system allows the staff to focus on service. Here, guests can just as easily book a table for an evening out with friends as they can reserve an opera menu in connection with an opera performance. Bar Central has stationary registers and Westpay terminals. Trivec’s system is also integrated with BokaBord and Personalkollen. This ensures a smooth workflow, where nothing needs to be done manually.

The staff wants to work with Trivec
Kim Choukri has worked with Trivec for a long time, but he has also tried other POS systems. Both he and the staff believe Trivec is the most reliable system. Trivec is dependable, easy to work with, and requires few clicks.
Staff applying for jobs here ask if we have Trivec because they really want to work with it, he says.
For Bar Central, service is at the top of the list of what they consider most important. Trivec’s user-friendly POS system makes that service possible.
New staff quickly get the hang of the system, which allows us to focus on what we do best—taking care of our guests, says Kim.
Easy to teach others the back-office system
Kim also finds it easy to teach others how to use Trivec’s back-office system. It’s simple to change products and prices.
It has to be easy to make changes, as menus and prices change, he says.
Trivec Support
Kim appreciates that he can call Trivec support. The personal connection with Trivec is important to him, knowing that help is available when needed.
The support is great, he concludes.
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